Phoenix Hospital Panchkula (Near Chandigarh) Haryana India has been established on March 29, 2009 under the dynamic leadership of Dr Tejinder Mohan Aggarwal. And also under the guidance, suggestions & time to time advice with total care of the hospital & staff Dr Indu Aggarwal, Director Administration, PhoenixHospital had been equally instrumental in the establishment of the hospital. Her spirited endeavour & interest in day to day activity of the hospital with an open mind has made her darling of the hospital staff.
Phoenix Hospital, Panchkula is thankful to all those colleagues, friends, relatives & spiritual Gurus under whose guidance, wishes & blessings have made this venture of human health service for the sufferers possible.
Phoenix Hospital, Panchkula is highly obliged & owes much to the doctors & specialists who are associated with the hospital since its inception.
Phoenix Hospital, Panchkula has special thanks for Mr. O P Rattan without whom this project would not have been possible.
Phoenix Hospital is providing consultation in medicine, cardiology, ent, surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, paediatrics, neurology, psychiatry, pathology, radiology, obs & gynae, neuro-surgery, oncology & vascular surgery. in phoenix hospital, there is a complete facility of all types of vaccines of polio, DPT, DT, tetanus toxoid, Hib, measles, MMR, typhoid, hepatitis a & b, chickenpox, rotavirus, cervix/uterus cancer at competitive rates administered under the direct supervision of the doctor.
DE-addiction treatment of alcohol, cigarettes smoking, tablets, capsules, opium, ganja, cannabis & petrol sniffing available under the supervision of psychiatrists at phoenix institute of psychiatry & de-addiction of phoenix hospital.